A sanctuary for supporters of sexual free expression and the adult sexual media.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Jewish Currents Says: "Happy Birthday to Nina!"
Spank me if you must, but I am a victim of Spock Shock. Having been major-league distracted by the death of Leonard Nimoy - my childhood i...
Monday, February 16, 2015
Because Porn Women Are People Too: Support Cytherea's Recovery Through You Caring
I would have hoped that once I removed the widget for Christy Mack's donation drive for recovery from War Machine's abuse, it would ...
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
HIV Porn Panic Returneth: The Latest HIV Gay Porn Scare, And The AHF/CalOSHA Attempt To Stoke Peak BS For Their Condom Mandate
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Sigh....Another Month, Another HIV Porn Scare, And Another False Flag
I know....the blog has been kinda sparse of late, because of both a lack of news and my night job interfering with my ability to post on iss...
Friday, August 29, 2014
Ahhhhh....OOPS!! (And Hallelujah!!!) Latest Performer Test Was False Positive; Moratorium Lifted
For those of you who were just itching to write more of your panic screeds about the latest HIV panic in porn due to a initial "reactiv...
And Away We Go Again: Another Potential HIV Scare, Another Moratorium...Another Nail In The Coffin For Condomless Porn??
Here. We. Go. AGAIN. (August 28, 2014) – Free Speech Coalition (FSC), the adult industry trade association, called for a production morat...
Saturday, August 16, 2014
AHF's Latest Diversionary Bedazzle of BS: Attack Kink.com Oral/Toy Shoot In Nevada For....What Now???
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Because Porn Women Are People Too...BPPA Supports Christy Mack
This blog would not even exist were it not for the labor and beauty of its female performers. Yes, the male performers have more than just...
Friday, August 15, 2014
Too Close For Comfort, But #BAHLOCKED Again!!! For Realz, Too!!! Condom Mandate Bill AB 1576 Finally Whacked By California Senate For 2014 Year
It may have gone on a bit longer for some people's comfort, but the battle over #AB 1576, Isadore Hall's proposed condom mandate/tes...
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
AVN's Mark Kernes Chases The #AB1576 "Crapnado"; Survives To Tell The Story
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