Monday, February 9, 2009

Some Hot Air from the Windy City

One of the favorite anti-porn radical feminist talking points is that porn and porn culture represent the "status quo" and that the radical feminist movement is marginalized and without political power. The counter-examples, of course, are legion, ranging from Dworkin and MacKinnon's role in the Meese Commission hearings to present-day radical feminist-inspired legislation against prostitution and pornography in places like Sweden and the UK.

The latest example comes in the form of a press release from DePaul University College of Law, advertising their upcoming "Valentine’s Day Distinguished Family Violence Lecture" (you really can't make this stuff up), which features an appearance by everybody's favorite sensitive radical feminst guy, Robert Jensen, appearing along with the sheriff of Cook County, Illinois (Chicago and environs), Tom Dart, who will be speaking on "pornography's impact on crime":
Dart will explore pornography’s impact in key areas, including crime, and highlight recent initiatives designed to address sex trafficking in Cook County.
Dart is described on his website as a "rising star in Illinois politics" (not exactly something to brag about these days) and a former legislator turned law-enforcement official. Among his accomplishments as sheriff:
Under Dart’s directive, the Sheriff’s Police have initiated a variety of stings, crackdowns, and investigations of criminal activity. He has been in the forefront in breaking up dog fighting rings and presided over the arrests of prostitution rings that use the internet as their advertising arm.
The press release also adds that Dart will be leading an "all-male panel" following Jensen's lecture. For the most part, this is the same-old same-old, hearkening back to the days when crusaders in law enforcement, clergy, and the upright men of the city met about stamping out vice. What's different, is that now the role of clergy is played by a radical feminist man with pretensions of being "prophetic".

Pornographers as the "status quo"? Show me an example where somebody from the porn industry is having a similar meeting of minds with politicians or law enforcement officials and maybe I'll entertain the idea. Until then, I think those of us in the reality-based community will tend to believe otherwise.


  1. SWOP-Chicago is supposed to be making an appearance. Regarding Tom Dart, yeah his department arrested an escort that traveled to IL from LV a couple weeks ago. I am actually a student at DePaul, so I'll try to go but I'm at the northside campus & the panel is at the downtown campus during my afternoon classes.

  2. "SWOP-Chicago is supposed to be making an appearance."

    That's good to hear.

    Regarding Tom Dart, yeah his department arrested an escort that traveled to IL from LV a couple weeks ago.

    How does this figure. I wonder if Jensen will have anything to say about this or like policies that Dart endorses. Jensen and company make a big to-do about the Swedish model and only going after customers (not that I agree with that either), and here he is having a presentation with somebody who's policy it is to go aggressively go after sex workers themselves – and escorts at that, who's activities are entirely private and who you pretty much need to set up sting operations to arrest.

  3. @IACB: Here's the link to the Chicago Sun-Times article on the bust: . Ridiculous. Ya know, looking at that story again, I think I am going to skip out on my second class. I really want to hear the bullshit spewed forth.

  4. " a "rising star in Illinois politics" (not exactly something to brag about these days)"

    ROFLMAO so true!

    I hope SWOP Chitown makes it
